
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

GNU Radio Talk: A Glimpse into Developing Software-Defined Radio by Python

這是我十二月十七日在 PyHUG(一個新竹的 Python 社群, 由陳永昱(Yung-Yu Chen) 博士與我在 2011 年所組織發起的)講的講題, 內容簡介了軟體無線電的概念, 軟體無線電的硬體以及開源的專案 GNU Radio, 以及使用 GNU Radio 來開發軟體無線電的三種不同路徑的簡介。這是 GNU Radio 系列講題的第一個, 接下來的講題目前未定, 可能會從數位訊號處理的概念以及如何使用 GNU Radio 來作濾波器先切入, 然後再看聽眾反應決定接下來的主題。有任何建議都歡迎提出來!

PyHUG 目前的聚會模式是每個月的第一與第三個星期一晚上, 通常都會有一個或一個以上的二十分鐘短講, 地點在交大計中一樓訓練教室, 所有訊息都是透過 meetup 這個網頁來公告, 你可以到這裡看相關訊息。

The slides were given to PyHUG in December 17, 2012 in PyHUG, which is Python Hsinchu User Group initiated by Dr. Yung-Yu Chen and I in 2011. In this talk, I introduced the concept of software-defined radio, the free & open source software-defined radio project - GNU Radio, RF front-end hardware that can be used with GNU Radio provided by Ettus Research and Realtek, and illustrated three ways to develop software-defined radio by GNU Radio. This is the first of GNU Radio series talk, the topics for the subsequent talks are to be done, and I'll probably start from using filters in GNU Radio as well as concepts of digital signal processing. And then I'll try to decide topics depending upon feedback of attendees. Any idea or suggestions are welcome!

Currently we have regular meetings on the first and the third Monday nights every month at the training classroom in the building of computer center in National Chaio-Tung University. Normally there will be one or two 20-minute talks. All messages related to PyHUG meetings or events are distributed via meetup website, and you can find information here.

Download/view slides of "A Glimpse into Developing Software-Defined Radio by Python"

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