檔案準備完之後, 就要開始安裝過程了, 筆者先認定你已經會操作終端機, 如果不知道的話, 請在網路上搜尋終端機的使用方式, 請先開啟終端機(or Terminal.app)。
先切換使用者目錄到 scripts.zip 解壓縮的地方, 一般會在 ~/Downloads/scripts 裡面:
Aquila:~ albert$ cd ~/Downloads/scripts/
Aquila:scripts albert$ cp /Applications/Adobe\ Reader.app/Contents/Resources/Resource/Font/*.otf ./otf
Aquila:scripts albert$ ./convert.sh
Creating PostScript fonts ...
AdobePiStd: has no 'j' glyph to make dotless
cfftot1: glyph 'sterling.oldstyle': While processing otf/MinionPro-Bold.otf:
cfftot1: glyph 'sterling.oldstyle': warning: complex flex hint replaced with curves
cfftot1: (This Type 2 format font contains flex hints prohibited by Type 1.
cfftot1: I've safely replaced them with ordinary curves.)
MinionPro-Bold: already has a dotlessj glyph at 'uni0237'
MinionPro-BoldIt: already has a dotlessj glyph at 'uni0237'
cfftot1: glyph 'colonmonetary.oldstyle': While processing otf/MinionPro-It.otf:
cfftot1: glyph 'colonmonetary.oldstyle': warning: complex flex hint replaced with curves
cfftot1: (This Type 2 format font contains flex hints prohibited by Type 1.
cfftot1: I've safely replaced them with ordinary curves.)
MinionPro-It: already has a dotlessj glyph at 'uni0237'
MinionPro-Regular: already has a dotlessj glyph at 'uni0237'
Aquila:scripts albert$ mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/MinionPro
Aquila:scripts albert$ cp ./pfb/*.pfb ~/Library/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/MinionPro
Aquila:scripts albert$ cd ~/Library/texmf
Aquila:scripts albert$ unzip enc-2.000.zip
Aquila:scripts albert$ unzip metrics-base.zip
Aquila:scripts albert$ unzip metrics-full.zip
Aquila:scripts albert$ updmap
執行的結果應該會列出 ~/Librar/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/MinionPro/MinionPro.map 以及 ~/Librar/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/MyriadPro/MyriadPro.map
找到之後, 預設是 disable 的, 你要下命令啟動他們:
Aquila:scripts albert$ updmap --enable Map=MinionPro.map
Aquila:scripts albert$ updmap --enable Map=MyriadPro.map
到這邊如果安裝過程順利沒有什麼錯誤的話, 這兩套字型就算是安裝完成了。